Always was, Always will be

Designful acknowledge with deep respect the owners of this island lutruwita, on which we live, learn and work, for they hold the memories, traditions and continued culture. This always was and always will be palawa land, sea and waterways. We recognise that acknowledging country is only a small first step in the direction of giving the land back. We stand for treaty.

We recognise a history of truth which acknowledges the impacts of invasion and colonisation on Aboriginal people resulting in the forcible removal from their lands and attempted erasure of culture. We know that it is a privilege to stand on country and walk in the footsteps of those before us. Together we stand for a future that respects and acknowledges Aboriginal perspectives, culture, language and history.

Designful pay respect to those that have passed before us and to the palawa, who are the enduring custodians of lutruwita/Tasmania. Sovereignty was never ceded.